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Threat Insights 0x2B: Same old same old

October 18, 2024

Banco Montepio: Account Locked Alert

Email 1

  • Rating: ★★★☆☆
  • Date: 2024-10-16
  • Objective: Credential harvesting
  • Analyst: José Morim

This phishing email is designed to look like an urgent message from Banco Montepio, claiming that the recipient’s account has been locked and their services suspended. The email encourages the recipient to click a button to “reactivate” their account and restore access. However, this button doesn’t lead to a legitimate Banco Montepio site but instead takes the user to a fraudulent page designed to steal login credentials.

IT Department: Messages on Hold

Email 2

  • Rating: ★★☆☆☆
  • Date: 2024-10-16
  • Objective: Credential harvesting
  • Analyst: José Morim

This one pretends to come from the recipient’s own IT department, warning that there are important messages on hold due to a technical issue. It urges the recipient to click a button to rectify the problem and release the messages.

Page 2

This button, however, leads to a credential harvesting page where the attacker collects usernames and passwords. Emails like this play on trust in your organization, so it’s always wise to double-check with your IT team directly before clicking any suspicious links.

Request for Quote: SnakeKeylogger Malware

Email 3

  • Rating: ★★★☆☆
  • Date: 2024-10-18
  • Objective: Malware
  • Analyst: José Morim

The third email is disguised as a request for a quote, a common message for those working in sales, procurement, or business operations. The email includes an attachment that appears to be a legitimate request but actually contains a malicious payload. Once opened, the attachment installs SnakeKeylogger, a dangerous malware that records everything you type, including passwords and sensitive information, sending it back to the attacker. Always be cautious of attachments from unknown sources, especially in unexpected emails.

Indicators of Compromise


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